Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
  • 이미지를 갤러리 뷰어에 로드 , Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
  • 이미지를 갤러리 뷰어에 로드 , Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
  • 이미지를 갤러리 뷰어에 로드 , Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
  • 이미지를 갤러리 뷰어에 로드 , Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura
  • 이미지를 갤러리 뷰어에 로드 , Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura

Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura

후기 작성하기
Chai Sunrise
판매 가격
With 190 pages, 26 weekly templates, and 6 monthly reflection templates, this planner/journal hybrid helps you set goals, form habits, and track progress. Featuring dot grid pages, a paper storage pocket, linen binding, ribbon bookmarks, and an elastic closure band, it's both practical and stylish. Crafted with FSC-certified cream paper and available in five calming colors, it's the perfect gift for anyone seeking balance and mindfulness.

Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura

This is Chai Sunrise Weekly Planner - Sakura edition, an essential companion for organization and self-discovery. This unique planner/journal hybrid is meticulously crafted to empower you in setting goals, cultivating habits, and monitoring your progress, all while fostering mental clarity and emotional well-being.

What makes the Weekly Journal special?

  • 190 pages: Offering ample space for your thoughts, plans, and reflections.
  • 26 weekly templates: Strategically designed to keep you focused and motivated throughout each week.
  • 6 monthly reflection templates: Encouraging moments of introspection and goal-setting.
  • Planner/journal hybrid: Seamlessly blending organizational structure with personal expression.
  • Paper storage pocket: Providing a convenient space to store notes, receipts, and other essentials.
  • Dot grid pages: Perfect for doodling, sketching, or additional note-taking, promoting creative expression.
  • Linen binding: Ensuring durability and longevity for daily use, crafted with quality in mind.
  • Ribbon bookmarks and elastic closure band: Keeping your planner organized and secure, allowing for easy navigation between pages.
  • FSC-certified cream paper: Supporting responsible and sustainable resourcing, contributing to a greener future.
  • Five calming colors: Choose from a range of soothing hues to complement your personal style and preference.
  • Travel-friendly size: Compact dimensions (W13.5cm x H21cm x D2cm) make it perfect for on-the-go use, fitting seamlessly into your bag or backpack.
  • Highly giftable: Share the gift of organization and mindfulness with loved ones, offering them a tool for personal growth and productivity.
Brand Chai Sunrise
Product Type Planner
Pages 190
Weekly Templates 26
Monthly Reflection Templates 6
Type Planner/journal hybrid
Paper Storage Pocket Yes
Dot Grid Pages Yes
Binding Linen
Ribbon Bookmarks & Elastic Closure Band Yes
Paper FSC-certified cream
Colors Five calming colors
Size W13.5cm x H21cm x D2cm
Giftable Highly

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운영시간: 오전 10시-오후 7시(월-금), 12:30-오후 6시(토), 일요일 및 월요일 휴무


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불완전/불충분한 주소
주소가 지정된 대로 전달할 수 없음
거절 등…

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개인화 아이템

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